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I have benefitted many times from Rose's remarkable Intuitive Readings.  She has assisted me with readings on topics ranging from potential homes or offices to rent or buy; hidden issues and strengths of potential employees; sources of health disturbances in various people; and the energetics of vibrational tools, plants, and stones.  Rose has an unusual structure to her energy & consciousness bodies which makes her capable of profound insights.  I highly recommend her private sessions and anything she teaches.

         ~Dr. Robert J. Gilbert, Director of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies, Asheville NC

Host and creator: Sacred Geometry: Science  and Spirituality, Gaia TV

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Sun, Jan 28 2024, NASA

Our Big Opportunity

  • is the Sun reaching out to us?

  • can Solar Flares be beneficial? 

  • can the Sun’s current influence help us evolve beyond our Soul Blueprint?


Workshop Details Coming Soon
Please sign up to mailing list for updates



Rose is an Intuitive Empath who had a conscious incarnation and began having mystical experiences at an early age. Moving from her first love of math and science in school to enjoying a career in the arts, Rose then "came out of the spiritual closet" - like so many others at this time - and now focuses fully on her first language,  'energy'. She believes that sharing our subtle experiences helps shed light on how consciousness works and is important at this time of transition from purely materialistic to increasingly spiritual values.. Rose trained herself to 'go within' early in life and learns mainly through observation, contemplation and her own direct experience and spiritual investigations. She loves to share her understandings of the new human in evolution and her gift of activating and catalyzing others on their spiritual path as we collectively move forward into the Aquarian Age.  


In addition to her natural intuitive, empathic and healing abilities, Rose has studied with Dr. Ibrahim Karim, the Vesica Institute, and various Tibetan Buddhist teachings.  But it is her own direct connection to Spirit that continues to provide the most learnings for Rose. . 


Please note: 

PRIVATE SESSIONS ARE CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE AS I SHIFT INTO GROUP WORK AND TEACHING  DUE TO THE GREAT NEED AT THIS TIME.  Thanks for your understanding!!  If you'd like to join a waitlist, please email me at and write "Private Session" in the subject line and I will contact you once there is an opening. Thank you!


Waiver/Disclaimer: Rose Rongits (Rose-Energy) is not a licensed medical doctor or therapist and does not diagnose, heal, treat disease or prescribe medication.  Rose is an independent consultant and intuitive who works intuitively with your body’s subtle energy field and offers spiritual guidance as appropriate, which may result in balance being restored to your body-mind-spirit.  As blockages are released, this in turn may activate your body’s own innate healing ability; however, no claims as to healing are made. It is your responsibility to monitor any medications you may be taking in the event that a healing occurs as a result of these sessions and any dosages/medications need to be altered. Energy Medicine and spiritual guidance are not a substitute for (allopathic) medical care or therapy, but may work as a complement to them.  If you have a medical condition (whether acute or chronic) please do not hesitate to see a licensed Doctor or healthcare professional. The results of the sessions vary according to the individual and the situation. By having a private consultation with Rose you agree to assume full responsibility for any and all risks associated with using any of the ideas, suggestions, or meditations and agree to accept full and complete responsibility for applying what you may learn  You must fully understand and agree to these terms and conditions before having a session with Rose. 

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